Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Easter @ Halls Gap

We hit the road yesterday morning just after 10 so that we would miss the traffic. Those poor suckers making the journey to work. It is great to be on holiday.

We stopped in Beaufort for some lunch and a petrol stop a bit later saw us arrive in Halls Gap just after 2pm. Not long to set up. In no time we were sipping a drink and eating nibbles. Janet and Phil had a beautiful stew cooking away in the slow cooker, so dinner was taken care of. Well done Janet and Phil!

The cockatoos made a lot of noise this morning, but I managed to roll over and go back to sleep. Pretty lazy morning actually. We took off around 10.30 and headed off to Mt Zero.

The Mt Zero walking track is 2.8 kilometres return and takes between 1 - 1.5 hours return. It is a rocky track of medium grade. Near the top of the ridge the track became steeper and a hand rail helped us up the last part of the track to the summit. We had great views of Mt Stapylton and the surrounding Wimmera Plains.

After our hike, we went to the Mt Zero Olive Farm. All I can say is, disappointing. Nothing to do with the fact that I don't even like olives, it was just disappointing. Not even a drink in sight and we were thirsty!

Back to the Takaru Bush Resort for lunch. 'Resort' is not the word I would use, but then my experience in the Taj Exotica Resort (Maldives) my have given me unreal expectations!

A quick trip into Halls Gap for coffee and cake (or in my case Coke and cake) and our afternoon was almost complete.

The Halls Gap pub was our choice for dinner and it was very nice. Funny how we were the only people left in the pub at 8.30pm!

The fire was burning nicely and the rain started just before 10pm so we retired for the evening. Just as well. The noise police would be around at 10 to tell us to be quite and at least the fire was out before the fire police came around at 11pm!

A great day....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Grampians Rd,Halls Gap,Australia

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