Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Home Sweet Home

Day 34 - Home Sweet Home

Santiago, Sydney, Melbourne

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Our flight left Santiago at 230 pm and the journey to Sydney took 13.5 hours. No sleep, but I did manage to watch 5 movies!

Our domestic flight to Melbourne was delayed, then they finally they swapped planes, so we were running about an hour late. I do remember us going down the runway, then it was time for more food and we were descending into Melbourne. Pick up the car and an hour drive home and I was in the door at midnight, Melbourne time, which makes it 1130am Santiago time. That's just over 24 hours on the go and no sleep.

Time to correct that now!

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Monday, September 23, 2013

Santiago - Sydney - Melbourne

Day 33 - Santiago - Sydney - Melbourne

Lima, Sydney, Melbourne

Monday, 23 September 2013

A day of travel. Leaving for the airport shortly. Leaving at 235pm, lose a day, then Sydney. Will be home tomorrow night. Flying into the future!!!!!

Goodbye South America. It has been a wonderful experience.

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Day 32 - Santiago


Sunday, 22 September 2013

The last day of the trip really. The sun is shining, the sky is blue. Love you Santiago. I must admit, we have had fantastic weather over the past 5 weeks. Amazing really. You can tell by the blue skies in most of the photos. I have over 3100 photos on my iPad so far. That should be enough to bore people to death!!!!! The usual movie will be made and it will be a though decision to choose photos. I'm also going to challenge myself to a one photo from each location to put together a movie. I am sure I will be able to do it.

Today, we had a tour around the city which was very enjoyable. Lunch in a local restaurant near the seafood market was fantastic. Dinner tonight in the revolving restaurants overlooking Santiago.

La Moneda Government Palace

La Moneda Government Palace

Santa Lucia

Santa Lucia

Plaza De Armas

Plaza De Armas

Plaza De Armas

El Galeon Restaurant

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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Lima - Santiago

Day 31 - Lima - Santiago

Lima, Santiago

Saturday, 21 September 2013

An interesting day today. Our 11.55am flight has been delayed until 530 tonight. Over 4 hour flight time, adding an hour for the time zone, going through immigration, collecting bags, I imagine it will be after midnight before we get out of the airport, then on to the hotel. Today will be a very long day. Still sitting here in the airport.

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Saturday, September 21, 2013

Iquitos - Lima

Day 30 - Iquitos - Lima

Iquitos, Lima

Friday, 20 September 2013

We had a down day today. The morning was at leisure until an early lunch at 1130am. We hopped on the African Queen at 1245 for our 2.5 hour boat trip back to Iquitos. A lot long going back as we were going upstream.

Our flight left around 545pm and we were on our way back to Lima for just the one night. A different hotel this time. We then have 2 nights in Santiago before we head home :-(

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Amazon River

Day 29 - Amazon River


Thursday, 19 September 2013

A 5am knock at the door was our alarm this morning. Straight on the boat and an hour and a half later we were at the ExplorNapo Lodge where we had breakfast. This is part of the chain we are currently staying in. It shows an authentic Amazon River lifestyle with kerosene torches and lamps and palm thatched houses in the rainforest.

We hiked for 50 minutes through the rainforest to the spectacular Canopy Walkway which covers 500m in the treetops at a height up to 35m. Only 4 people per platform in the treetops and no more than 3 on the walkways. The walkways were made out of aluminum ladders with planks of wood on them. On each side were nets going up to the suspension cables. This was a great experience. It certainly gave us a different view of the rainforest.

After lunch we went to the ReNuPeRu ethnobotanical garden with over 240 medicinal plants cultivated by a local shaman. He explained the healing process and the use of the different plants.

Canopy Walkway

Canopy Walkway

Canopy Walkway

Canopy Walkway

Canopy Walkway

Canopy Walkway

Canopy Walkway

ReNuPeRu medicinal garden

ReNuPeRu medicinal garden

ReNuPeRu medicinal garden

Amazon River

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Amazon River

Day 28 - Amazon River


Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Today we went out fishing for pirhana and I caught one!!! When we got back, they cooked the fish up for us to eat with our lunch. We then had a look at some giant Lilly's. after we had our beautiful lunch we went looking for the pink river dolphins. No photos as they were in and out of the water so quickly..... We then travelled to the Yagua Indian Village for a look around.

Ceiba Tops Lodge

Ceiba Tops Lodge

Ceiba Tops Lodge

Ceiba Tops Lodge

Ceiba Tops Lodge

Yagua Indian Village

Yagua Indian Village

Yagua Indian Village

Yagua Indian Village

Ceiba Tops Lodge

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Lima - Iquitos - Amazon River

Day 27 - Lima - Iquitos - Amazon River

Lima, Iquitos

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Today we travelled from Lima to Iquitos on the Amazon River. We are staying here for 3 nights as we explore the Amazon. We are along the river in the jungle. It was a 90 minute boat ride from Iquitos to Ceiba Tops Lodge. Paul, our guide took us for a look around after we checked in. The mosquitoes were out in full force as dusk came. Mental note: Repel on the palms of the hands. It is very hot here with overnight temperatures of about 22 and daytime temperatures around 32. The humidity sits around the 80% mark so it's very hot and sweaty!

Thank goodness for the airconditioning, fans and the swimming pool. No pool after 6 as the mosquitoes will pick you up,and carry you off!

Amazon River

Amazon River

Amazon River

Amazon River

Ceiba Tops Lodge

Ceiba Tops Lodge

Ceiba Tops Lodge

Ceiba Tops Lodge

Ceiba Tops Lodge

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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

La Paz - Lima

Day 26 - La Paz - Lima

La Paz, Lima

Monday, 16 September 2013

Not much happening today. An 11am departure from the hotel. A bit of a sleep in, a leisurely breakfast and a bit of a photo swap saw the morning out. Check in at the airport was slow. Take off was interesting. Not only is La Paz the highest airport in the world, but it also has the longest runway, at 4km long. Due to the reduced amount of oxygen in the air, it takes longer to get the aircraft up to speed for take off, therefore, the longer runway. We arrived in Lima, reset all the watches and we were picked up by our guide and headed off to the hotel. Only the one night in the hotel as the journey continues....

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Monday, September 16, 2013

Huatajata - La Paz

Day 25 - Huatajata - La Paz

Huatajata, La Paz

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Today we travelled to one of Bolivia's most important archeological and sacred sites, Tiwanaku. Tiwanaku is considered to be a precursor to the Inca Empire and it is thought to be the oldest city in the world by some. It is a shame that the exploration of this sight has stagnated. Money is coming in, but not being spent on the site by the traditional land owners. It is believed that only 5% of the city has been uncovered so far.

We continued on to La Paz for a tour of the city. We visited the Witch Doctors Market. Then travelled on to Moon Valley which was given this name as the landscape resembles that of the moon. We finished up in the city square where we were lucky enough to see daily lowering of the flags. La Paz is in an interesting location, being located in a valley. There is a difference of 1000m from the top of the valley to the bottom. The lower section of the city is located within its own micro climate. There can be a temperature difference of over 6 degrees. Interestingly, the most expensive real estate is located in the lower section of the city giving up views for the warmer climate.

Checked into the Radisson for the night. Nice views!!!











La Paz

Moon Valley

Moon Valley

Moon Valley

La Paz Central Square

La Paz Central Square

La Paz Central Square

View from the Radisson

View from the Radisson

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