Saturday, August 31, 2013

Buenos Aires

Day 9 - Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires

Friday, 30 August 2013

Last night we had dinner at Cafe De Los Angelitos and watched a Tango Show. A great evening.

Today we toured the outer suburbs of Buenos Aires. We drove past the President's Residence on our way along the Parana River bank. When flying into Buenos Aires it appeared the city was on the coast, but it is situated on a river delta which is over 200km wide. Ships on the horizon and we were looking at a river. It just seemed a bit strange.

We walked to a neo-gothic Cathedral in San Isidro. As we walked we looked at a Catholic Secondary College that was much smaller than schools in Australia in terms of the amount of land provided and the principal came out to speak to us and invited us all in and he took us on a tour of the school. Many of the buildings were originally homes and were beautiful. The school is bilingual, so they spend half the day speaking English and the other half of the day in Spanish. Eduardo was very proud of the soccer players that school has produced over the years. We were very appreciative of Eduardo giving up his time to show us around. It was so spontaneous. I will have to watch for groups of tourists walking past Frankston East and invite them in!!!!

We then took a boat ride along the river and canals to look at the different residences. The islands in the canals are mud islands and the owners build them up and build houses on them. We had lunch at the Gato Blanco Restaurant. Spectacular setting and fantastic food. Argentina is famous for its steaks and they did not let us down today!!! The plane boss, the plane. Can you spot the photo?

We then took the boat back to the dock and left Tigre to head back to Buenos Aires on the bus. This was about an hour long journey. We were dropped off and we had some time to wander though the shops on our way back to the hotel. You will see a photo of a dog walker. Many can be found all over town walking people's dogs. There was also a street artist blowing in the wind.

Cafe De Los Angelitos

Cafe De Los Angelitos

Cafe De Los Angelitos

Cafe De Los Angelitos

Cafe De Los Angelitos

Buenos Aires in the distance

Colegio San Juan El Precursor

Colegio San Juan El Precursor

Colegio San Juan El Precursor

Colegio San Juan El Precursor

Colegio San Juan El Precursor

Colegio San Juan El Precursor

Colegio San Juan El Precursor

Colegio San Juan El Precursor

San Isidro Cathedral

San Isidro Cathedral

Tigre River Cruise

Tigre River Cruise

Tigre River Cruise

Gato Blanco

Gato Blanco

Gato Blanco

Gato Blanco

Gato Blanco

Gato Blanco

Tigre River Cruise

Tigre River Cruise

Tigre River Cruise

Dog walker

Street artist

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