Friday, September 28, 2012

Around the town

We spent the day looking around the city, hitting all the major attractions. We started off at the Notre Dame Cathederal. Not quite the same as the one in France....

Across the road was the Post Office. Nice for a quick look.

This was a popular area for wedding photos. It was interesting to note the number of photos being taken on a Thursday. We were told that often couples have their wedding photos taken a month before the wedding.

Next we visited the presidential palace. An interesting looking building. It was magnificent inside. We also visited the bunker in the basement which was set up during the time of the war.

We saw the spot where 2 bombs were dropped onto the roof of the building marked by the 2 red circles during the Vietnam War.

From there we went to the War Remnants Museum. It was interesting to see the other side of the story in this conflict. You only normally here one side of it and as Pete says, the victors are the ones who write history.

We went on to China Town where we visited a Chinese Temple. Very similar to temples we saw in China a few years ago.

Lastly we visited the place where they make Lacquer art works. It was amazing to watch as they broke egg shells into tiny pieces and created these works of art. 17 layers of lacquer later and they looked magnificent. There were as many sales staff as there were customers. They followed you around encouraging you to buy, buy, buy.

Back to the hotel in time for a wander down to the local market. The pressure is not as bad as it was in China, but everyone is trying to sell you something. They literally will grab hold of you if you even look like making eye contact.

We went for a traditional Vietnamese dinner at a local restaurant. Fantastic meal. It was Kevin's birthday and we celebrated with a song and cake.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

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