Saturday, September 22, 2012

The journey begins....

An early start to the day today. Alarms going off at 530 is really an unnatural state of affairs but a necessary evil if we are to get away on time. Pete and Lesley arrived just after 6 and we hit the road. An easy drive to the airport.

The airport itself was very busy. Cars pulling in and out of the departure zone. Very busy indeed. Inside the airport was no different. School holidays combined with a weekend saw people moving all around the world.

Security checks had very long queues. We walked hundreds of metres to cover the distance of about 20m! Explosive residue checks for Pete, Belinda and Lesley. Pete, Carolyn and I thought this was amusing until they left the check point and jumped the queue by what seemed like 50 people. Finally through the security check and into the passport check queue. We wove our way to the customs officer. For me, another queue as I claimed back the GST on my new camera through the Tourist Refund Scheme.

Coffee and a bite to eat saw the first meal of many to come. We sat at the departure gate for a while and with the wonders of the Internet we were able to fill in the Smart Traveller details for those who had forgotten and within no time we boarded the plane.

We have now been on the plane for 5 hours and I have listened to music on the good old iPad and I am at 89% battery which is pretty good I must admit. Having said that, it's only been music with no screen so it shouldn't be too much of a drain. Thought I would just jot down what has happened so far and publish when I have the first opportunity.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:In the air

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